Green Tea Kidney Stones If I Am Prone To Kidney Stones Can I Drink Green Tea?

If I am prone to kidney stones can I drink green tea? - green tea kidney stones

It's difficult. Tea, like other foods also contain oxalic acid which form kidney stones.

But recent scientific studies actually found that the antioxidant properties of green tea can effectively reduce the formation of gallstones.

Best solution, drink a little, how he feels and go for high quality, if possible.

Find the next article, good reading.


Kelso said...

Drink lots of water!

Anonymous said...

You can avoid calcium. Green tea is good for you.

Anonymous said...

You can avoid calcium. Green tea is good for you.

ITZZ ME said...

Hello, I had the same problem as before 3 months! I think you can drink green tea or CUS I drank during my kidney stone! When I saw the kidney stones I had pain like Krazy ... So, if you are giving pain or pain relievers, the doctor only gives u! I'm only 17 years and I have kidney stones. My stone was just a little so that you do not always bad! hey friend good luck!

www.cook... said...

Enjoy in moderation ... At any time is to drink caffeine, and are prone to kidney stones ..

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