Cyber Gray Corvette What Can I Do To Make My Cyber Deck Stronger?

What can i do to make my cyber deck stronger? - cyber gray corvette


Cyber Dragon
Proto Cyber Dragon x2
Cyberdark Horn
Cyberdark Edge
Cyberdark Keel
Cyber Phoenix
Exiled Force x2
Armed Dragon LV3 x2
Gray Wing x2
DD Warrior Lady
Mechanical x2
Armed Dragon LV5
Kaiser Glider


Lighting Vortex x2
The Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Heavy Storm
Magical Mallet
Limit Removal
Pot of Greed
Sword of Light of Revelation
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Fissure x2
Power Bond
Overload Fusion
Noble of Crossout


Seven Tools of the Bandit
Books of spells hidden
Back from the soul
Torrential Tribute
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Mandatory evacuation device
Magic Cylinder
Trap Jammer
Call of the Haunted


Cyber End Dragon x2
Dragon Ball Dragon x2


h2oblizz... said...

I think that's pretty good magic and trap cards that help in many forms, and the monsters are very good

If you will want to see more cards, yugioh, so you can see what other cards will benefit you to check out

Michael Mauldin said...

2 is cyber dragon and a police officer only in the event that you lose Bond and Cyber Twin Dragon and the defense of the ring, food stamps will be used Wen bear

Michael Mauldin said...

2 is cyber dragon and a police officer only in the event that you lose Bond and Cyber Twin Dragon and the defense of the ring, food stamps will be used Wen bear

namenack... said...

Add a dragon and a barrel of gravitational force to kill all their creatures.Add big storm, or when you make a direct attack.

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