Business Age Magazine I Need Some Business Advice! How Do I Design Their Magazine For Them?
I need some business advice! How do I design their magazine for them? - business age magazine
So I was very excited about a free magazine on my domain. It has good content, but was not well designed (seems to be made in the editor). This is a free copy, I think people need to register to receive copies.
I'm only 16, but I will work as an author in his journal. I do not want to pay, I would only be good if to collect some experiences, and work my graphic design in the publication to be seen.
I've included his e-mail address (in the magazine) is ... What can I say? Honestly have no idea how to approach the situation. How can some of my work and see if they are interested? Will they be discouraged by my age? (16)
send a nice letter saying how much you love the magazine, etc., and show examples of their work. ask whether you want to experience or something else can go. not directly say: "That is nonsense, I can do better." If you look at an angle of professional experience are more inclined to listen. Note that this is not what you say, how you say it. Good luck!
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